Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Frequently Asked Questions

I am often asked:

Question: Can I say which orangutan charities are of concern to me, and which are not?

Answer: Sorry, I would prefer not to. Although it was never was my original intention to do so, I am being forced into using my Blog as a means of expressing my personal views on these issues. I do so with a heavy heart and ONLY after giving the groups and people concerned countless chances to be transparent and/or put things right discreetly. Even so, I still hold back a lot of information that might cause discomfort to some people closely involved, but who do not personally deserve this attention.

Question: Do I know of any organisation who will accept paying volunteers. i.e. you pay them for the privilege of being able to work close to orangutans.

Answer: This is an area I have virtually nothing to do with, but I think this organisation may be able to help you. http://www.orangutan-appeal.org.uk/ There may be others I am unaware of, so I do recommend you visit the various web sites.