Friends of the National Parks Foundation
Jalan Bisma #3 Ubud Bali Indonesia 80571
Phone / Fax +62 361 977978
Email fnpf@dps.centrin.net.id Website www.fnpf.org
Dear FNPF Friends,
Please allow us to share with you the latest details about the fires currently burning in
As Ramadan concludes, we are in the middle of an extreme dry season. Conditions are similar to those which preceded the last fire in 2006.
Considering the loss and destruction to our reforestation efforts and orangutan habitat from the 2006 fire, both across
Some areas have not yet been touched by fire, in part due to our preventive efforts through active patrolling and some training for the community located near our working site at
Fire has been detected in the Padang Sembilan farming area despite our efforts, which could be attributed to the lack of law enforcement by local authorities in response to burning off practices. Fortunately we have prepared for early detection and firefighting. Three fire locations have been attended, preventing the fire spreading and getting through the forest.
The threat is not over however and some areas have become very dangerous, as the swamp forest areas have become an active fire fuel load, due to prior burning in 2006. We are presently focusing our efforts on averting this disaster by holding the fire back as long as we can while also preparing the fire line to protect our working site if there is a further unfortunate situation.
We urgently need funds to continue and strengthen our firefighting efforts. This includes feeding local people assisting us with our efforts.
Further details of our firefighting activities in the past 25 days inside
Many thanks for your support at this critical time.
Komang in Borneo & Bayu and the whole FNPF Staff
Donate online at: www.fnpf.org
FNPF is a registered as a non-profit organisation in